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ACECL Awards

A.E. Wilder Award

The A.E. Wilder Award is given to a distinguished ACEC of Louisiana member for continued extraordinary contributions of integrity and service to both ACEC of Louisiana and the engineering community.

The recipient is nominated and voted by past A.E. Wilder Award winners. The award is announced at the ACECL annual Fall Conference.

The Robby Cangelosi Award

Each year ACEC of Louisiana presents an award to recognize the accomplishments of a young professional engineer who is contributing to the engineering profession and demonstrating the ability to positively impact the community through professional accomplishments and community involvement.  This award was implemented in 2015 in memory of our past Board Member, friend, and leader in the engineering community, Robby Cangelosi.

Please find attached the Nomination Form, along with the criteria, to apply for the 2024 Robby Cangelosi Award.  As we had a great number of applications submitted last year, we encourage those applicants to once again apply this year, and also request that firm principals encourage our emerging engineering leaders to apply.

This award will be presented at the ACEC/L Annual Fall Conference awards luncheon which is held in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in November.

Also, please note the application for the 2024 award is due in our office no later than close of business on OCTOBER 15, 2024 by mailing to:

ACEC/Louisiana, Attn:  The Robby Cangelosi Award
9643 Brookline Avenue, Suite 112
Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70809

or by hand-delivery.

For more information, please contact Janet Landry at

QBS Champion Award

The QBS Champion Award is presented to a public agency that makes exemplary use of the Qualifications-Based Selection (QBS) process at the state and local levels. QBS Champion Award recipients demonstrate the importance of selecting the most qualified design professional for a project and serving as examples of how well the QBS process works. By their actions they assist ACEC of Louisiana in promoting the practice of QBS across the state as the legal and preferred method for procuring all forms of engineering services.


Legislative Champion Award

ACEC of Louisiana honors members of the Louisiana State Legislative, as well as members of Congress, who diligently work to improve the lives and well-being of the citizens of Louisiana.


ACEC College of Fellows

Candidates of the College of Fellows (COF) are nominated by peers through ACEC and its state member organizations for admittance based on demonstrated personal commitment, service, leadership, and enhancing the public image of the consulting engineering profession. Each candidate is evaluated and voted upon by the current ACEC COF Committee for inclusion based on the qualification requirements in ACEC Rules of Policies and Procedures, Articles VIII and their anticipated continued service to ACEC and engineering profession.

COF members are encouraged to volunteer as spokespersons for the engineering profession at local civic events, high schools and universities, and other venues that would provide opportunities to advance the profession.  COF members are encouraged to use “FACEC” on their letterhead and business cards. For additional information visit: